Monday, April 4, 2011

99 Art Journal Pages!!

Hello, hello, hello!! I've managed to make it back another day. I'm glad too. I've missed blogging so much and it just feels GOOD to post again. So anyways, yesterday I counted up all of my art journal pages that I've done thus far, and I had 98. So that means that this one is number 99! What a coincidence is that? I had a lot of fun creating this page, but you can't really tell what it took for me to get it like this!! I started it out with a lime green background.

Then I glued a bunch of torn papers to the lime color. So far so good. But then, I added black. And I don't mean a little black. I added a LOT of black. Too much black. So it was way too dark for my taste. I hate when that happens, since I love bright colors. I love them. Love them. So what ended up happening was that you could barely even tell that there was any lime there. There was just too much black.

So what ended up happening was that I added white over top of the whole thing using a paintbrush. I sort of mixed it in with the black, and it created this grayish color. Then I pulled up a couple of the paper strips I put down in order to reveal the lime. I like it a lot. A whole lot better. I just need to learn to control my black. Every time I add something black, I end up putting too much. There's a thin line between too much and too little. And I haven't quite figured it out yet.

I decided that I'd show you a card that I made using the glitter I bought the other day. This is a more sophisticated way to use it I assume. You see, instead of using school glue for it, I decided that I'd use a tape runner instead. The glitter stuck perfectly, if not even better than school glue would. I like it a lot. My only problem is that whenever I try using the glitter, it gets ALL over my clothes. And I never have been a glitter type of girl. Especially on my clothes.

This is the fourth card in a row that I've made for the 365 Cards challenge. It was called 'Up in the Air'. You were supposed to use three things that can be found in the air. I decided to try a new type of approach to this. I used a picture of a dragonfly and a butterfly. Then, instead of another animal or insect like I assumed others may be using, I decided to use the color blue. You can defiantly find blue in the sky, even though it depends on the day.

So now for the progress on my cross stitch. I managed to finish the football except for one line of stitching and of course some of the back stitches I'll be using on top of the actual football itself. Also, I've got started on the next train car I decided to start with. I'll probably work more on that once I get off of here.

Here's a bit of a closer photograph of the finished football and began boxcar. So yeah. I thought it was getting pretty cool. I decided to start on the toys at the bottom and then slowly work my way up into the actual clothing and skin of the little boy. Maybe tomorrow I'll post what this thing is supposed to look like when it's finished. I'm sure I could find a good picture online if I decided to look. See you all next time!!


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