Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Goals For June

So. It's June now. That's insane! I can't believe that time has sped by so fast. It seems impossible that we're already halfway through the year. It's also hard to think that in exactly one month, we're going to be moving from the place that I've been living all fourteen years of my life. And we're going pretty much across the country. What?? How did this happen? I don't know for sure. It's crazy the way time flies. But since it's here, I might as well make the most of it. Anyways, getting back to the original purpose for this post. I figured that since today is June 1st, I realized this would be the perfect day to post a list of my goals for the next 30 days. I have a lot of things that I'd like to have completed, and I think that if I put it on here I'd feel held responsible.

Something that I've been thinking a lot about lately is inspiration. Inspiration is something that is very important to us artists, since without ideas we can't do much in the way of art. Dede, who is a good friend of mine, often does live streams in the mornings. Recently she has been doing a color inspiration journal, and I started one a bit similar to hers. I love the way she set it up, and it feels like my style as well. She's been using the colors and stuff to make other projects using that inspiration. It's cool.

Anyways, here's a list of stuff that I'd like to do this month... bear with me as I type it all out. :)

  • Finish editing my book and then send it in for a free copy (I wrote a novel for NaNoWriMo)
  • Work a little bit on my art journal every day.
  • Complete 3-5 art journal pages for submissions.
  • Make some youtube videos
  • Blog every day about my art and life

I would also like to continue work on the several projects I have going on here: Linky Monday, Collage Unleashed Project, Project Runway project, and the Creative Experiments Projects. I actually started work on my Project Runway project the other day, and made some gorgeous fabric out of trash bags. I know it sounds really strange, and maybe even a bit weird, but I promise it actually worked. I ironed a trash bag together, ending up with about a yard of 18" wide fabric. That was from one trash bag. I'll probably zigzag a bunch together. I've also been working on a newspaper dress.

NOTE:: The art journal page above is part of another post as well. Be looking forward to the PROGESS of that page sometime soon.

I'd like to make progress on all of these projects this month. Sound good? I hope so. You'll be reading about it all month. :)


  1. Thats a tall list to be sure especially if you plan on sleeping :-D

    what's your novel about / genre?

  2. hehe. Yeah, I know it's a pretty long list. I'm the type of person that likes to aim high so I have somewhere to go. And then, if I don't make it, then oh well. There's always next month. :)

    My novel is a fantasy novel. I've always loved reading that type of stuff, and when I got the chance to write one I jumped on it.

    Thanks for the comment by the way, it really means a lot to me!

  3. Ahhh, thanks for the mention! Love this page!

  4. Hehe. You're welcome Dede! Thanks!

  5. June is gonna be a busy month for you :)

  6. you sound like a remarkable young woman.... I'm so pleased that you find the time and energy to do all this blogging, experimenting and art journaling. keep up the good work


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