Friday, January 6, 2012

Oil Pastel Technique

Yes. Yes I do. I just thought that I would share that interesting little tidbit of information with you. I don't know if it would help you guys at all, but these were some of the pens that I got for Christmas in my stocking, and I love them. I've had the blue ones in the past, but the red ones are pretty darn epic, if I do say so myself.

Okay, so let's get to the real "bulk" of today's post. I don't have another tutorial for you guys today, I just have a couple of pages and stuff that I really wanted to share with you guys. The one above is the page on the left hand side. That's the one that I really wanted to focus on. Basically I took a background that I didn't really like, or was just really bland, and I took my Portfolio water soluble oil pastels, and colored the rust, and the light blue all over the entire page. Then I pretty much just blended them together with my fingers. I love the way that the whole page turned out, as it looks really nice looking, as well as looking blended and a bit more messy and grungy, which is totally my style.

I used the same type of technique on this index card, and I actually did this one first as a sort of introduction/sample for this technique. Then I was experimenting with my calligraphy pen on another page, and I saw this; I wanted to know if I could use it on top of oil pastels that weren't wet. As it turns out, it comes out with a very interesting technique. Some of it is black from the ink, and other areas are white, from where the tip of the pen scratched away the pastel. But that's all that I've got for you guys today, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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