Saturday, June 16, 2012

ICAD #16: Universe


Hey everybody!! I'm here with yet another art post for all of you. I apologize for the lateness of it all, but I have been EXTREMELY busy these past couple of days. We have some visitors over from Ohio, so we have been hanging out with them. I find it hard to tear myself away in order to make some art. Though it feels great once I do, though it's only for a few minutes. Anyways. The first thing I wanted to share with you guys today is my ICAD. This is ICAD #16, and I have been steadily doing these since the very beginning. I am extremely proud of myself, and I'm trying hard not to seem over cocky. But I really am confident that I am going to continue on with these. I like them. A lot. The prompt that I used today was 'the universe', and this is the very first thing that came to mind. So I decided to roll with it.

The second thing that I need to share is my 30-30-30 project. I love the way that this has been turning out for me, and I love the new format. The way that it forces you to break the mold of what you're used to is excellent. Today's piece seriously went down to the wire time wise though. I was rushing, and seriously had to force myself to put down my pen there at the end.

Though it's not my absolute favorite page that I've ever done, it's certainly not my least favorite either. Sometimes you just have your days, when the art just doesn't look as good as other days. Though the feeling of art was here today, the "looking good" part was NOT. But that's okay. I've learned that is just a part of life. And how did I learn that but through experience?

The final thing that I have to share with you guys is actually a self portrait, though it is more supposed to depict the sunglasses that I am wearing. For the In The Sun Class, the prompt was for you to take a picture of your favorite sunglasses and to save the actual act of putting it in your journal for another time. I do like this picture though. Quite a bit. I do wish though, that I was either smiling a bit more or a bit less. I'm just in the middle somewhere. However. That's okay too.

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